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The Sequel to
Onboard Jurassic Airlines

© Hartnell Creative Communication Ltd


30,000 years

Dinosaurs. They still exist even though a mass extinction event finished of most of them.

CO2 From:


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Time ran out prematurely for the poor people of Paradise. It doesn't have to end this way.



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The next 100 years

Scenes like this can be avoided but don't expect governments to prevent them. Find out how inside.



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Meet the Dinosaurs


Get onboard our carbon neutral aircraft to visit the ancient continent of Pangaea where you can see that climate change was nothing new.


Fly with pterodactyls, navigate tropical oceans or watch ancient dinosaurs from the safety of your airline seat. Join us on a fun packed flight through time along the Jurassic Coast UNESCO World Heritage site and beyond

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Help the world avoid a major air incident


We breathe in Oxygen and breathe out Carbon Dioxide. Oceans and rainforests do pretty much the reverse. It's a fair exchange and a balancing act between us.


Discover how we are crashing and burning the two great lungs of our world and how you can help stop this madness.  Mother earth needs some intensive care.  Our duty free shops will soon be offering a great range of get well cards.



Glimpse the future


U.N. Scientists predict that by the end of the century sea levels will rise by at least a metre.


Politicians talk about emissions targets set for 2050 – more hot air, more delays? 


We believe that declaring a climate emergency should mean declaring urgent action far sooner.

Find out more at Terminal 6.


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