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Jurassic Airlines took off as a result of an artistic departure in 2011. Fed up of inaction by governments to take climate change more seriously. Something had to be done.

In a BBC News interview at the Labour Party Conference the same year, Lord Knight backed our campaign to put an airport on Weymouth Seafront during the 2012 Olympic Games.









An exciting trip into the past demonstrated that climate change was nothing new. It occurred over millions of years and can be evidenced on the ground today in the sequential rocks of the Jurassic Coast. The problem is that to walk its entire length takes several days. That's where a high speed carbon neutral aircraft wins.

At speeds in excess of 500 knots we cover the 95 mile coast in less than 5 minutes pointing out its features and unique habitats.


Accelerating into space we can see more, turning back time to reveal the origins of the coast prior to entering ancient Pangaea shortly after a fourth mass extinction event. In this fast moving environment passengers can observe the arrival of the dinosaurs and their subsequent demise. 


Today climate change is accelerating faster than at any other time in earth history. This is alarming. Witnessing what is going on around the world from the comfort and safety of an airline seat helps passengers gain a real insight into the issues and what can be done to prevent the departure of every living creature on the planet.  Terminal 6 is on our radar today and we want to take industrial action to shut it down.




You can see here

how it all started –

from a small plywood

box at the Labour Party 

Conference in Liverpool 



Proposed rapid deployment Terminal Building for Jurassic Airlines Departures

a travelling roadshow.



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