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Terminal 6 - Gateway to the Holocene

What our planet looked like 250 MYA

Enter a world where 97% of all life has been destroyed.  It happened about 250 million years ago when a spike in CO2 levels  triggered the largest mass extinction our planet has ever known.


We'll be flying into airspace just beyond the Permian-Triassic border where things are starting to settle down as the temperature cools to a balmy 42 degrees centigrade.


Prepare for the journey of your lifetime. You can see the whole of life pass before your eyes. 


History is repeating itself. The spike in CO2 levels during the Permian era happened over thousands of years. Current CO2 levels have been climbing alarmingly over mere hundreds of years. Global Temperatures have to be limited otherwise we could follow in the footsteps of those Permian dinosaurs. 


It's not too late to shut down the sixth mass extinction that we're currently in - Terminal 6 as we call it.

With help we can all change direction and save the rest of life on the planet we call our home.

contact us if you can help in any way.





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